Monday, May 16, 2011

War of the eReaders - Part 2

First I would like to extend a warm welcome to my new friends and followers from the Book Blogs forum. I look forward to chatting, networking, and most of all, reading all your wonderful book blogs, in the near future. Thanks for stopping by!

Now, on to business!

As some of you may or may not remember, some time ago, I posted about a decision I had been pondering for some time: whether or not I should purchase an ereader; and if I did, which brand would be the right one for me. I was hesitant to purchase one because I was unwilling to give up my physical books and I love collecting, sorting and organizing my books in my small yet growing personal library. However, the ease of carrying around an ereader (as opposed to a physical book), especially when travelling, as well as the instant gratification of being able to download a book whenever the fancy strikes were tempting considerations.

As luck would have it, my decision was made for me when my friend and fellow blogger,
Mike, alerted me to a sale of refurbished Nooks at the Barnes & Noble Ebay store. Purchasing a refurb was another apprehension I quickly got over. Buying a used anything makes me nervous, especially when it comes to electronics. Also, I'm a germ-a-phobe and I couldn't be sure what lude and disgusting acts the previous owners had been preforming with my Nook. Mike assured me that certified refurb electronics were perfectly fine, and in some cases better than new for the mere fact that the device had actually been turned on and inspected for defects prior to resale. I was, however, advised not to lick it when I received it in the mail :) Wise and sage advice, Gubby!

My Nook arrived and I immediately downloaded a couple free books just to test it out and get the ball rolling. A word of warning, although the Barnes & Noble free book selection is extensive, it's not exactly high quality. There are some good books offered in there but you have to wade through piles of erotica and religious lit to find them. Strange combination, I know. I quickly graduated from free books to paying for a couple. Barnes & Noble makes it ever so easy. They keep your credit card on file for you and everything so it's not even like you are spending money when you download a book. How nice of them, right?

The gadgets on the Nook, I have to admit, are awesome, although I am sure they are not exclusive to only the Nook. I am loving both the "Look Up Word" and the "Find" features. The Nook contains a full dictionary so when you come across an unfamiliar word you simply click "look up" and the Nook pulls up the word's definition. And the find feature does just that: type in a word and the Nook will find all other instances of that word in the book. It's a handy feature for the book I am currently reading, Game of Thrones by George RR Martin which contains many different characters, some of which I need to be reminded of who they are and how they fit in the story. Also handy for such a book is the "bookmark" feature. Game of Thrones has some reference material at both the beginning and the end of the book that is handy to refer to throughout reading. I simply assigned a bookmark to both sections and can flip to either with just a click. But enough about Game of Thrones. I will be blogging on it soon enough.

I have to say, I am enjoying my new Nook and believe I would recommend it, or any ereader, to anyone. Now, I'm not saying I'm going to give up my real books. No way, no how. But it's a fun alternative and will come in very handy for travel.


  1. Glad you like it (and didn't lick it). I am still enjoying my kindle more and more...even though there are a few things that annoy me (mostly organization). I haven't read a "real" book since I got mine for Christmas...of course, I haven't read that many books because George RR Martin writes long complicated books. I also have the 2nd & 3rd Hunger Games waiting for me when I am done with Feast for Crows.
    And Dance of Dragons will probably be out by then (and I already have that ordered in both hardback & kindle editions).
    So at the minimum I think I am probably looking at another 3-4 months before I get back to a real printed book...I am curious to how it will feel after that time.

  2. I'm glad you embraced the awesomeness of an ereader. You'll find that it doesn't really replace real books, you'll still be buying those :) I have a Kindle, and I love it. I love that it reads to me, which is good because I have a very long drive to and from work every day.

    -Kate the Book Buff
    The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People

  3. Mike-I'm about 300 pages into Games of Thrones right now and loving it. You were totally right.

    Kate-Thanks for stopping by! I'm now following your blog too and it's fabulous! I will never give up my "real" books. I just love them too much. Plus I have quite the collection going.

  4. Shannon, can you contact me an confirm that you got my e-mail? I want to make sure that you got the draft newsletter before I send out notice of your review blog to all our subscribers. Please confirm receipt. Thanks, Christy
